We need to talk about the shed

Shed: noun. a small building or lean-to of light construction, used for storage, shelter, etc.

In times past, every garden path had a little wooden shed at the end of it, for keeping the boring bits to do with gardening – the lawn mower, spades, other tools and a few noxious chemicals for blitzing any insect daring to land on the beds.

So, in 2022, is your shed still just used for storing tools? Is it still small and wooden?  If so, you are in the minority. I have just had a fascinating browse on the Cuprinol SOTY (Shed Of The Year) website – which has been running for 16 years, I can’t imagine how I missed it! You have until April 19th to enter your shed by the way, but I recommend you check out previous winners to see what you are up against before you bother. My favourite is definitely the Roman Temple shed complete with colonnades and portico. It was entered in the ‘Unexpected’ category. You think?

We apparently have a National Shed Week in July and people who do up their sheds are collectively known as “Sheddies”. It is possible to subscribe to magazines like ‘Shed Building Monthly’ for further inspiration.

Escaping to the end of the garden for a little peace and quiet is a lot more expensive than it used to be. The sophistication and price of sheds has gone up following the need for home working spaces and a global timber shortage has not helped.

I admit this research has encouraged me to revisit the shed at the end of my own garden path. Once the weather improves it may get a lick of paint and a few deck chairs and cushions placed artfully in front of the shredder, old seed trays and jetwasher. Now, which category shall I enter..?


2 thoughts on “We need to talk about the shed”

  1. My shed is indeed wooden and used for storing garden tools… However, we have a shed each – the other one is a model aeroplane workshop, no gardening tools allowed in there!


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